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Bad French Teacher
Bad French Teacher
Bad French Teacher
Depuis la création 29 504
26 octobre 2013

Le jour où j'ai reçu l'immunité de Koh Lanta


Les gens, ça y est, j'ai un papier officiel qui prouve que j'ai gagné le titre de prof "outstanding" (le meilleur jugement) File-moi l'immunité Denis!!! En gros, ça dit que je suis un super prof et que je peux me permettre de faire ma loi (ou presque) concernant mes heures travaillées car je suis un bon élément. Lundi, l'abeille vient m'observer, alors il ne tient qu'à moi de garder ce statut.. Voilà le rapport (rappelez-vous que j'avais adapté un powerpoint de TES pour cette leçon-là et que j'avais fait faire des posters pendant la moitié du cours lol) Voici le rapport décrypté si ça vous intéresse: 

Teaching and learning in this lesson are judged OUTSTANDING. The level of work being undertaken matches the levels required for the achievement of high grades.  Students’ contribution to the lesson is excellent and the standards they are reaching, especially in their production of language both spoken and written, are very good for this stage of the course. This was a lively lesson with pleasure and achievement throughout. The teacher placed considerable emphasis on the learning of higher level skills and more complex grammatical structures but was able to create an atmosphere of fun(oh oui, les posters, c'est trop d'la balle!! Quelle marade!!). There was one student who is weaker to whom specific support is being given out of class time. (enfin, que j'ai dit car en vrai, tu l'as vu toi le soutien en dehors du cours?! Ah, le poids des mots!! lol)

Summary JudgementsStrengths:

1.Planning and preparation were exceptionally thorough (=5 minutes sur papier avant le cours) to create a rich agenda for the lesson and to present material easily through the use of IT (merci, thus achieving clarity and a good pace.  There was no scribbling on the board! (amazing, j'aime pas écrire, ça tombe bien!) This was a skilful and professionally polished presentation.(merci TES bis)

2.The conduct of the lesson was exemplary (oh oui, je suis un exemple, moi Bad Teacher, la consécración!). There was a good balance of READING WRITING SPEAKING LISTENING. The target language was used throughout the lesson for both formal and informal exchanges.  English was used only occasionally for checking that instructions had been understood.

3.The students’ achievement in technical accuracy, command of grammar and range of vocabulary match the standards required for successful completion of the course.

4.The autonomous production of language both spoken and written is the strongest feature of the lesson and is the deciding factor in the judgement. Students were challenged to produce longer utterances and engage in meaningful, elaborated exchanges.

Areas requiring improvement:

1.In addition to the use of targeted questioning, which was effective, a useful strategy is to ask students which of the questions on the board they would like to answer.  It allows the less confident to opt into the lesson in conditions that they find reassuring, particularly when there are some much stronger students in the group. Some additional attention to accent and intonation would also enhance the students’ performance (oui, bon faut pas pousser mémé, la diction ce sera pour une autre fois!)

2.There are no significant areas for attention. (bah ouais, elle sait plus quoi dire hein!)  The focus of the feedback was on refinements to the good practice that was observed.

